Pursuing Liam

Pursuing Liam
by Lisa Lanay
Liam lives his life by a simple code: invincible freedom. Freedom to spend time with women, friends, and his art. Taryn cannot wait to become a mother. When her adoption falls through, Liam offers her the perfect solution. But, can their friendship endure?
This is one of the first books in a while that I have read where the author has done a great job with the internals. Despite being a third-person narrative, I really felt like I knew what the characters were thinking and feeling. Unfortunately, however, we spend so much time in the characters heads, the dialogue and action can be a little jarring. By the time a character responds to a question, I have already forgotten what the other person was asking.
It took me a little while to get into the story, but eventually I reached that point where I was invested and wanted to know more about the characters. Overall, I liked the story and found it an enjoyable read. I look forward to reading more in the Almost Perfect series.
Overall, I would rate this story four quills and place it on my middle shelf.
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