(Not) In This Lifetime

Not In This Lifetime

(Not) In This Lifetime

by Rebecca Ouellette

When Charlie's van pulls in front of the worst night club in town, he knows that means his career as a rock star has ended. But, he doesn't mind. That was his father's dream, not his. He never expected a the place to end up in flames or for it to result in him seeing another side of his father. And he really never expected for the fire to cause him to start jumping through time, reliving the life of a brother he never knew. Can Charlie change the past for the better? Or does history truly repeat itself?

Although I enjoyed this story very much, I don't really have much to say about it. I was captivated by Charlie's inner turmoil as he began to question the life he always knew, as well as delve into a past that wasn't his. I did find myself confused trying to keep the characters straight, especially as Charlie began switching between time periods more rapidly.

There was also an occasional slip in the point of view that, when combined with the editing errors, gave me pause. I also wasn't too in love with the way the characters were introduced. There was a lot of information in the opening chapters that I felt could have been explained later.

However, the story was so engaging, I was able to look past all this to read the book in one night. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Overall, I would rate this story four quills and place it on my middle shelf.
